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Evolution2000 Mono 

Surface treatment

The surface of Evolution2000 Mono Nanosurface implants is obtained by means of a Controlled Oxidation process that results in a micro and nano retentive surface consisting of Titanium Oxide (TiO2) enriched with phosphorous and calcium.
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Prosthetic and Surgical Components

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Single-phase implant

Due to its shape and morphology, it is particularly suitable for all clinical applications related to immediate loading...
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Mini Evolution2000 Mono Surgical Protocol  

Evolution2000 Mono Surgical Procedure  
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3 x 3 mm square: large contact surface for screwing as well as cementing the prosthesis.

Smooth neck: For better hygiene.

Bioactive Surface: Speeds up the osseointegration process and increases the binding strength to the bone-implant interface.

Frusto-conical profile: The tapered apex supports and simplifies implant placement.  

Trapezoidal thread:
it lets you change the insertion axis, promotes
dispersion of masticatory loads, increases the surface area in
contact with the bone, promotes bone condensation, preserves
vascularity preventing the shadow effect.

Surgical Procedure 

The essential, simple and safe design of the Evolution2000 Implant System has simplified
the surgical procedure, thus speeding up surgery and reducing discomfort for the patient as a result.

Surgical Protocol