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EvolutionConic EC²

Surface treratment

EvolutionConic EC² undergoes a high wettability treatment , S-Double Etch, which increases the surface by making it micro-retentive, even and peak-free....
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Evolution Conic implants

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Low-impact thread

Thanks to its low-impact thread, the distinctive feature of the EvolutionConic EC² implant is that it is suitable for any bone type (D1, D2, D3, D4).
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EC² Surgical Protocol  

EvolutionConic EC²Surgical Procedure 
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2° conical neck
It improves the primary stability of the implant in the
coronal portion, even in case of poor bone
quality (sinus lift).
Smooth neck
The crown section of the neck is smooth (0.9 mm) to improve hygiene.

Double micro-thread 

• Increases implant stability.
• Increases bone-implant contact by over 100%.

Improves load distribution thereby reducing
bone stress.
Mechanically stimulates bone tissue by countering resorption in the most critical and less vascularised point. 

Inter-thread milling
Accelerates the healing process, as it prevents bone remodelling due to compression3, 4.
Increases the implant surface in contact with the bone (BIC), which is particularly important in short implants.

Conical core
Makes it easier to position the implant in the site.

Low-impact thread
Thanks to its characteristic trapezoidal shape, it reduces the insertion torque, makes screwing easier and increases primary stability 5, 6.

Very sharp thread
Promotes the implant penetration capacity, even in case of compact bone.

Longitudinal milling
Collects bone residues during the screwing stage, thereby preventing compression. Increases implant self-tapping ability. 

Apex shape
The conical shape of the apex and the wide threads allow for better primary stability in the post-extraction sites and in poor quality bone.

Advanced Technique
During positioning, in the screwing stage, the design of the apex and the thread allow for gradually changing the implant insertion axis. 

Surgical Procedure

The essential, simple and safe design of the Evolution2000 Implant System has simplified
the surgical procedure, thus speeding up surgery and reducing discomfort for the patient as a result. 

Surgical Protocol

Surgical Guided