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Synthetic granular biomaterials

Their mouldability, guaranteed result and low cost make them a winning  solution.

• 100% resorbable

• Biocompatible

• Osteoconductive

• Slightly radiopaque

• Entirely synthetic, does not contain substances of biological origin

• Suitable for bone remodelling and grafts 

Alos Granular

A polylactic and polyglycolic acid-based copolymer as space maintainer (mechanical function), biocompatible and resorbable, guarantees blood permeability and blood clot stabilisation. The copolymer is gradually replaced by osteoprogenitor cells, until new bone tissue forms.

(Non-sintered) porous hydroxyapatite powder ensures rapid vascularisation, fast resorption and replacement with autologous bone. Biocompatibility studies have shown that porous hydroxyapatite does not cause local or systemic toxic or phlogistic phenomena.
During resorption, the sponge-like and permeable microstructure of Alos promotes the advance of osteons and acts as a space maintainer, forming the framework required by cells to create the new bone matrix. The modularity of full resorption is between 4 and 8 months.

The main characteristic is its high hydrophilia, thanks to which, when soaked with blood or saline solution, it assumes a plastic consistency making it easier to model and adapt to the bone defect to be filled. Mix Alos Granular with Alos Pasta to increase its consistency. Absorbing times are slightly higher than Alos Block.

Moulding example with Alos Granular

Clinical Indications


Socket filling in post-extraction implantology, small sinus lift with the ‘sandwich’ technique, green wood fractures (split crest), large sinus lift, vertical and/or horizontal increase of bone crests used in conjunction with a titanium grid.

Alos Granular can be used as a filler in fenestrations and or dehiscences. 


Filling of pockets, furcations.

Oral surgery

Filling of bone cavities after extractions, cystectomies, apicectomies.